Monday, September 26, 2011

I have cool Pee

I had a hard time getting going this morning, the price to pay I guess for taking a couple days off, my body finds it likes the couch better than my running shoes. Anyway, instead of the two hour run I had wanted to do today, Sadie and I only got the chance to go for about an hour, did cover over 6.5 miles though, so I guess we can "officially" say we are doing ten minute miles now. (

The cool thing was though lab today was BYOP! See, about a year ago I said I finally had it with managing restaurants, changed jobs and went back to school to work on my second Bachelors of Science, which will be in what the first one should have been in if I had not gotten distracted by the money in management. See, I've always been a big nerd, and my dream is to work in a lab running test all day!

So I've re-enrolled at Weber State to do the Medical Lab Science program they offer, and I'm loving it. Lab technicains and scientist are those men and women who run the test to get the data the Doctor needs to know what is wrong with you. That means I'm learning how to do anyalsis on all the body fluids doctors look at--Semen, blood, fecal matter, and urine.  Today during class, it was announced that during lab we would be examining our own urine, hence why the lab is BYOP--bring your own pee.

If your still reading, I'm guessing your wondering what that has to do with running, right? Well, believe it or not, you can tell if a person runs by looking at their urine! See, one of the kidneys jobs is to keep your body hydrated, and it does this by holding onto water when it's being depleted by sweating, pulling if from the filtrate and putting it back into circulation.

Since you typically don't rehydrate while running, say 10 k (like today) it leads to a bit of "hairball in the pipes"--a small build up protien in microtubuals in the kidneys, which will be later flushed out once you are hydrated and drain the lizard, where it can be detected in bodies called hyaline cast.

Typically though, people don't run six miles to go see the doctor so you don't typically see them unless the person is suffering dehydration for another reason, so you typically don't see them and no one in my class had seen one in anything but our textbook. BUT since this morning I ran, Showered and went straight to class...lets just say there were a LOT of cast in my sample, which made it the most interesting one. One girl in the class actually got so excited she declared "you have the coolest pee!"

Dumb thing to take pride in, but hey---I'm not the cutest, not the richest and definatly don't have the best car, but a chick got excited about my pee. I think that puts me on a new level of dorkiness, but oh well, it impressed the ladies.

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